Registration Cancellation
Company *
Town *
Province *
VAT Number *
Address *
Company reference (full name) *
Company Phone *
Company E-Mail *
Complete address for the requested service *
Contact (full name) *
Contact Phone *
Contact Email *
Contact Mobile
Model *
Generating Set hours *
Generating Set Serial Number *
Generating Set power (kVA) *
Engine type and Serial Number *
Alternator type and Serial Number *
Control Board Model and Serial Number *
Start up date *
Hours last maintenance *
Alarms present on the contorl board
Generating Set Voltage without load
Generating Set Voltage with load Tensioni di gruppo a carico
Generating Set Frequency without load
Generating Set Frequency with loado
Mains Voltage
Type of load applied
Absorbed Ampere
Fields with asterisk are mandatory